South Harrison’s ESSER 3 Funding Plan Approved

South Harrison Superintendent Dennis Eastin told South Harrison school board members Monday night that the school district’s plan and budget for ESSER 3 federal funding has been approved. During Monday’s board meeting, Superintendent Eastin says the school district’s plan includes funding that can be used to replace the carpet and floor tiles at South Harrison Elementary School. Asbestos can also be removed with the change-out. The school’s ESSER 3 Plan also includes the replacement of HVAC systems, new camera purchases for 10 school buses, tutoring to continue to be offered and increase for students, potentially hiring a social worker to offer mental health support for students and families, summer school transportation, more cleaning supplies, more technology purchases, and a new air ventilation and circulation systems for the Welding Shop at the North Central Career Center. South Harrison’s district was approved for a total of $1.8 million in ESSER 3 funding.

South Harrison has made no changes to their Safe Return to In-Person School and Continuity of Services Plan. Another list of items was also approved for the school district’s surplus auction item list. Madison Auction and Associates was approved as the auctioneer for the October 19th auction that will be at 5:30pm at the school’s bus barn.

The district has been notified that they have met their school’s full compliance assessment standard for their health insurance provider. The board also approved their Professional Development Plan, Food Service Program, and their Bus Route List.

South Harrison’s board also held an executive session.