Stay Alert For Trick-or-Treaters This Halloween Season

The Missouri Department of Transportation is urging trick-or-treaters and drivers to stay alert for each other.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, children are three times more likely to be struck and killed by a car on Halloween than on any other day.

Since 2015, Missouri has seen more fatal crashes involving pedestrians in October than any other month.

Drivers should avoid distractions; so they’re aware of pedestrians walking on or near the roadways.

Be especially cautious during evening hours, as children in dark clothing may be difficult to see.

Be sure to slow down in areas where pedestrians are likely to be, where sight distances are limited, and never drive impaired.

Pedestrians can make smart choices to keep themselves safe, such as using flashlights and proper crosswalks.

If flashlights or crosswalks aren’t available, walk facing traffic and as far to the side as possible.