Tuesday Scoreboard

Tuesday Basketball Scores


Chillicothe 54 St. PIus X 37

GRC East
South Harrison 56 Milan 37
Polo 47 Trenton 25
Putnam County 54 Princeton 53
Gallatin 62 Maysville 39

GRC West
Worth County 42 Albany 26
North Andrew 53 Stanberry 21
King City 34 Pattonsburg 26
St Joseph Christian 52 North Harrison 8

Winston 47 Tri-County 35
Grundy County 58 East Harrison 36
Mercer 51 Gilman City 35

Platte Valley 54 Northeast Nodaway 14
Mound City 63 Osborn/Stewartsville 32
East Atchison 57 South Holt 27
Rock Port 36 Dekalb 32
Nodaway Valley 43 North Nodaway 40

Savannah 38 Summit Christian 22
Benton 61 Mid-Buchanan 14
Meadville 91 Green City 38
Oak Park 59 Excelsior Springs 28
Kearney 46 Fort Osage 43
Grain Valley 67 Platte County 33
Meadville 91 Green City 38
Higbee 59 Hardin-Central 36
Brunswick 72 Norborne 25
Southwest Livingston 38 Keytesville 15
Tina-Avalon 61 Concordia 35

Diagonal 52 Orient Macksburg 31
Lamoni 43 Moulton Udell 15
Ankeny Christian 49 Moravia 31
Mormon Trail 54 Melcher Dallas 53

Pride of Iowa
Central Decatur 53 Bedford 36
Mount Ayr 45 Lenox 28
Wayne 42 SE Warren 29
Nodaway Valley 81 Southwest Valley 37




GRC East
Milan 59 South Harrison 42
Gallatin 58 Maysville 46
Putnam County 54 Princeton 49
Trenton 57 Polo 43

GRC West
Albany 65 Worth County 48
North Andrew 62 Stanberry 41
St Joseph Christian 71 North Harrison 51
Pattonsburg 64 King City 63

Grundy County 56 East Harrison 15
Winston 59 Tri-County 52
Mercer 68 Gilman City 58

Platte Valley 79 Northeast Nodaway 40
Osborn/Stewartsville 36 Mound City 34
South Holt 74 East Atchison 59
Rock Port 75 DeKalb 39
Nodaway Valley 64 North Nodaway 48

East Buchanan 69 Cameron 66
Plattsburg 63 University Academy 33
Bishop LeBlond 69 Lawson 48
Gardner Edgerton 63 Savannah 33
Chillicothe 79 Hamilton 41
Benton 61 Mid-Buchanan 41
Liberty 73 Belton 60
Winnetonka 58 St. Joe Central 49
Fort Osage 56 Keareny 51
Higbee 80 Hardin-Central 48
Liberty North 57 Blue Springs South 47
Kingsville 67 Orrick 56
Grain Valley 54 Platte County 41
Smithville 64 Odessa 37
Concordia 60 Tina-Avalon 39
Green City 80 Meadville 37
Hale-Bosworth 82 Braymer 73
Southwest Livingston 59 Keytesville 34


Lamoni 49 Moulton Udell 38
Moravia 61 Ankeny Christian 49
Mormon Trail 55 Melcher Dallas 52

Pride of Iowa
Central Decatur 67 Bedford 48
Mount Ayr 87 Lenox 59
Nodaway Valley 50 Southwest Valley 45
Wayne 60 SE Warren 42