Pet of the Week – Asha
January 2, 2020 9:43AM CST
Asha has been at Green Hills Animal Shelter for 9 months, having arrived at the shelter in April 2019. She is very sweet and affectionate, and loves to be petted.
Asha is a beautiful girl, and the shelter staff believes she is about 4 years old. Asha is a tripod kitty and only has 3 legs. We are not sure if she was born as a tripod, or if perhaps something happened in her life before the shelter that led to the loss of her leg, but either way Asha doesn’t let it get her down, and she happily gets along just like all the other kitties.
Sweet Asha also has one other special need; she has a chronic sinus issue which causes her to sneeze a lot. But don’t worry, it isn’t contagious and she doesn’t require medication for it, you just might need to say “bless you” a little more often than with other kitties.
Asha loves everyone and would do well in any home but because of her sinuses and her missing leg, Asha will have to be an indoor only kitty.
Asha has waited such a long time for a special family to call her own, and she would be so happy sitting in front of a window or lolling in a sunbeam in her own Forever Home. Could you make Asha’s wish of a home for 2020 come true?