Gallatin School Board Meeting From 9-15-21

Board of Education of Gallatin R-V School

District Regular Meeting
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
High School Library

President Donovan called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., with seven members present.
Jesse Bird present Tim Bradford present
Pam Critten present Jeffrey Donovan present
Trent Dowell present Amy Heldenbrand present
Anita Riley present

Dr. Copple, Principals Burke, Collins, Thogmartin, Activities Director Gann, and Board Secretary
Corwin were in attendance. Staff present was Cole Lockhart, Courtney Ray, Brittney Ghidoni, and
Mandi Hemry. Other guests was Ronda Lickteig and Debbie Sweatman.

Bird motioned, Bradford seconded to approve the agenda. 7-0

Critten motioned, Dowell seconded to approve Wednesday, October 13, 2021, at 7:00 a.m. for the next
meeting. 7-0

Bird motioned, Riley seconded to approve August 16, 2021, Tax Hearing minutes .7-0

Critten motioned, Bradford seconded to approve and pay the September 2021 bills. 7-0

Bird motioned, Critten seconded to approve August 16, 2021, Open Meeting minutes .7-0

Dr. Copple presented his report.
Principal Burke presented his report.
Principal Collins presented his report.
Principal Thogmartin presented her report.
Activities Director Gann presented his report.

Critten motioned, Dowell seconded to approve the 2021-22 Professional Development Plan. 7-0

Bird motioned, Riley seconded to approve the District-Wide Evaluation Plan for 2021-22. 7-0

Dowell motioned, Critten seconded to approve the 2021-2022 substitute list as presented. 7 -0

Critten motioned, Bird seconded to readopt Policy BBFA for conflict of interest and financial disclosure
for the board. 7-0

Board took a short break at 6:25.

At 6:27 p.m. Dowell motioned, Bradford seconded to go into closed session for discussing personnel
610.021(3). Bird, yea Bradford, yea, Critten, yea, Donovan, yea, Dowell, yea, Heldenbrand, yea, and
Riley, yea.

The board returned to open meeting at 6:50 p.m.

Critten motioned, Riley seconded to offer a custodial position to Jean Mott. 7-0

Dowell motioned, Critten seconded to offer a custodial position to Theresa France. 7-0

Riley motioned, Bird seconded to offer a pre-school paraprofessional position to Lucinda Keebler. 7-0

Bird motioned, Critten seconded to offer substitute bus driver to Charles Cameron. 7-0

Having no further business, at 6:52 p.m. the Board voted to adjourn on a motion by Critten, Dowell
seconded. Bird, yea Bradford, yea, Critten, yea, Donovan, yea, Dowell, yea, Heldenbrand, yea, and
Riley, yea.