Life Options Plans Service Expansion To Bethany

The Life Options nonprofit organization in Trenton has announced an expansion of their services to Bethany.

Life options has announced plans to offer the same services offered in Trenton to Bethany. Life Options will operate under a brand entitled “Life Options: Sexual Wellness, Informed Choices, Education. Life options has a goal to encourage individuals to explore options and make life affirming choices regarding pregnancy and sexual health with care, education, and mentorship.

The services offered in Bethany will likely be rolled out in phases. The initial service could include medical grade pregnancy tests, options counseling, limited 1st-trimester ultrasound, and STD/STI testing and treatment. The services are free and provided with confidentiality and free of judgment. Trained, licensed medical personnel will be utilized in the new medical facility.

The services will be provided to women and men regardless of income, marital status, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or any decision  made in regard to pregnancy.  Life Options will focus on meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of women and men facing both planned and unplanned pregnancies.

Life Options is a 501c3 nonprofit organization depending solely on individual donations and private grants.  Persons wishing to partner with Life Options through giving should contact the ministry by calling or texting 660.358.1378 or by emailing [email protected]. Those contacts are also for anyone wishing to be considered for personnel needs such as part-time office help, medical staff, or volunteer.

An individual having need for Life Options services prior to the opening of the Bethany location should reach out to the Trenton location.