“Log Your Burn” Urged By MDC and Missouri Prescribed Fire Council

The Missouri Department of Conservation and the Missouri Prescribed Fire Council are encouraging landowners, land managers, and others who conduct prescribed burns on private land to “Log Your Burn” through the MPFC website at moprescribedfire.org.

Prescribed fire, or controlled burning, can manage land by reducing fuel loads to reduce the chance and intensity of wildfire; restoring native plant communities; enhancing wildlife habitat for wild turkeys, deer, and other game species; improving livestock forage production; regenerating trees; and controlling invasive species such as bush honeysuckle.

The Missouri Prescribed Fire Council website is located at moprescribedfire.org to Log Your Burn. This is a voluntary and anonymous entry for prescribed burns completed on private land in Missouri.

The Log Your Burn questions ask the date, county, acres, and habitat type burned, along with identifying if a prescribed burn association or landowner cooperative was used to provide assistance. The last questions ask if any fire occurred outside the burn unit, and if so, to what extent. Each completed burn should be its own entry, not a sum of all the burns that day on the property. To avoid multiple submissions for one burn unit, the landowner or the contractor leading the burn should be the one completing the entry.

MPFC and other conservation partners such as MDC are seeking opportunities for insurance providers to offer affordable insurance policies for prescribed burning, especially for contractors who have identified this as a major hurdle.