MDC Names New Northwest Regional Administrator

The Missouri Department of Conservation has named Bryan Gragg as the new regional administrator to lead regional operations in the Northwest Region.

A native of Cass County, Gragg earned a bachelor of science degree in forest management from the University of Missouri at Columbia.

He has worked as a forester in Florida, Arizona, and Missouri.

Gragg’S MDC career began 20 years ago as a resource forester based in West Plains.

He has served for 12 years as the northwest regional forestry supervisor and resides in Savannah.

Gragg will also oversee regional public resource management, private land, community conservation, regional planning, recreations use, infrastructure maintenance and repair, and regional business operations and compliance.

The regional administrator also coordinates with other MDC branches, including protection, science, education, and communications.

Regional administrators will transition into their new role in December with the final organizational roadmap completed by July 1.