Regional Election Measures Approved In Tuesday’s Special Elections

There were some issues ballot issues decided Tuesday during special elections.

The City of Gallatin voters decisively approved their 3 percent sales tax to be imposed for the retail sales of adult use marijuana products. The issue was approved 69 to 8.

Voters in Livingston County and in the city of Chillicothe also each approved a 3% sales tax on the sale of recreational marijuana. In Livingston County the vote was 606 yes to 92 no, and in the city of Chillicothe the issue passed 377 to 63.

The City of Barnard also approved a one-quarter cent sales tax to be used for their general revenue fund. That issue was approved with 20 votes in favor and 9 votes against.

Tri-County voters were also asked if a 25 cent operating levy could be approved to construct an Early Childhood Center and meet other financial needs of the district. That issue was approved decisively by voters with 62 yes votes. 20 voted against the measure.