Pattonsburg Board Approves Softball/Football Cooperatives For 2024-25
Pattonsburg School Board members approved softball and football cooperative agreements for the 2024-25 school year during their February meeting.
The softball cooperative will be entered with the Winston School District. The football cooperative agreement will include North Harrison and Gilman City.
Superintendent Bill Pottorff discussed progress for the new work being done for the school’s Agricultural and Maintenance Building. A new scoreboard for the baseball and softball field has been received. It was purchased with donations from BTC Bank. He also reviewed the information regarding uniforms and transportation for the cooperative baseball arrangement with Gilman City for the spring.
The senior trip itinerary was presented for a senior trip to Branson.
Pattonsburg’s board accepted resignations from Kelly Briggs as Band and Music teacher and Stan Coulson as a part-time Junior High Math teacher. The board hired Bill Pottorff as High School Track Coach for this track season. Both principals were approved for contracts for the upcoming school year.